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SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis



  • Located within London’s only enterprise zone


  • Site contains Silo D and Millenium mills which have significant historical value and provide identity to the area


  • Water Frontage can be embraced to make the development aesthetically pleasing 


  • Location, The site is very well connected with easy links to DLR stations and the city of London airport


  • Diverse population


  • Diverse green spaces available to the public 




  • The obvious divide between the social housing and the general housing in Britannia Village as it has caused a division in communities


  • The north and south side of the docks are currently not very well connected as there is only one bridge


  • One side of the waterfront is not pedestrianised


  • Site suffers from Noise and Air pollution due to its close proximity to the airport


  • The proximity to the airport also restricts the heights buildings in the development can be


  • Site also suffers from Land contamination inevitably increasing the site, making it more expensive to develop 


  • The site also contains listed buildings such as Silo D, the restrictions placed on listed building will affect potential developments


  • Community led groups such as PEACH have expressed a lack of trust for the developers



  • Water frontage if developed correctly and utilised can be used to provide recreational activities which in hand will attract tourists


  • Transport Links- The site is connected to the DLR, Crossrail and an airport thus making it one of the most connected sites on offer, this will encourage businesses to consider setting up in Silvertown


  • The two main historical buildings Silo D and Millennium Mills will help any development keep character and a sense of place 


  • Tax breaks offered by Newham council will attract foreign investment


  • The close proximity to the Excel Events Centre and the tourists attracted to it will help the sites economy as the tourists will potentially spend in Silvertown


  • Build a development that improves community cohesion




  • Expansion of the neighbouring airport could lead to building height restrictions and increased levels of noise pollution


  • Generating the funds to complete the redevelopment


  • Covid 19 and the change in habits it has caused


  • The social tension caused if the development can be determined as gentrification


  • Large developments could lead to a lack of natural development resulting in less green spaces for open use

Opportunites and Constraints map

Opportunities & Constraints map

Silvertown design proposal.png



      Mixed-use units

      Green space

      Hospitality units

      Key points (Millenium Mills, Silo D) 

      Pathway / embankment


      Visual connection

      Visual barrier

      Access point


BnG Infastructure

Blue & Green infrastructure map


This map shows both the blue and green infrastructure found in and around the site. From this, we can see that the majority of green infrastructure is up to the north of the site. The reasoning behind this is because a larger proportion of residential areas are found north of the site, and so green infrastructure is a more common occurence. 


The blue infrastructure consists of both the River Thames and the Royals Docks.

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